Welcome to the
Sheridan Revitalization Movement
Sheridan Revitalization Movement History
Sheridan Revitalization Movement was put together in April of 2016 as a joint effort between Sheridan Chamber of Commerce and a group of interested community members. The SRM’s mission is to organize a group of persons interested in revitalizing the City of Sheridan to explore and implement solutions to improve the image and vitality of Sheridan, thus enriching the lives and experiences of Sheridan property owners, merchants, residents and tourists.
Sheridan Revitalization Movement is now a 501(c)3 non-profit organization with almost 500 members on Facebook.
Sheridan Oregon Events
Monthly Meetings
Currently, we meet the first Thursday of every month at the Sheridan Museum, on Bridge St. in Sheridan Oregon from 6:00-7:15 pm.
Sheridan Hometown Days 2024 is Coming!
June 14-15, 2024 is Sheridan Hometown Days! From 9-to-9 in Sheridan Oregon there will be events and activities for all ages. There will be local booths at the High School, helicopter rides, food trucks, sports at the Park, live music, and much more! We will be running the beer garden outside the mercantile from 11-9.